Numbers galore.

Each week, I aim to connect our fundraising efforts with broader global trends or offer practical tips to enhance our fundraising impact. Often, we are focused meeting donors, attending meetings and trainings and writing that grant application - it can be difficult to get your head above water and see what is happening in the in the sector at large.

Today, I wanted to share my top ten stats on the philanthropic sector. These stats could serve as a benchmark for your progress and inspire improvements in your strategy.

  1. 88% of donations come from 12% of your donors.

  2. 44% is the average donor retention rate.

  3. 48% of donors say that regular email communication is most likely to keep them engaged.

  4. Monthly online giving makes up 31% of all fundraising revenue.*

  5. Only 14% of nonprofits prompt a donor to make a recurring gift.*

  6. The average mobile gift is $79.*

  7. 34 million adults participated in Giving Tuesday last year.*

  8. $2-3 billion is the estimate on the number of matching gifts provided by corporate giving programs.*

  9. 17-20% of fundraising revenue is raised in December.*

  10. Email response rates to fundraising email are on the decline by 16%.*

The top three stats are highlighted because I think they represent some of the fundamentals in the nonprofit profession: understanding where your revenue comes from, the churn on your donor file and the importance of communication. I’ve linked each of the main stats to the primary source for more consideration down below.

Use this information as a springboard to asses your own fundraising operation. Are you doing better or worse than your peers at large? What are some things you are doing more effectively than your nonprofit peers? Are you raising the money you need to and what channels are driving your success.

While these are averages or composites in the sector. Your lagging in one these areas does not mean you’re doing something wrong. It may mean that you’ve found what works for your team and your mission. Lean into the success you have already achieved while being mindful of the trends in the sector. More information will make your work stronger and your efforts more successful.

*More information on these statistics can be found here.


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